Allen C. Kelley Profile Continued

Recent Research

Selected Publications

"Demand Patterns, Demographic Change, and Economic Growth," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1969
"Markov Processes, Economic Analysis and Migration" (with L. W. Weiss), Econometrica, 1969
"Demographic Cycles and Economic Growth: The Long Swing Reconsidered," Journal of Economic History, 1969
"Writing History Backwards: Meiji Japan Revisited" (with J. G. Williamson), Journal of Economic History, 1971
"Biased Technological Progress and Labor Force Growth in a Dualistic Economy" (with J. G. Williamson and R. J. Cheetham), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1972
"Sources of Growth Methodology in Low-Income Countries: A Critique" (with J. G. Williamson), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1973
"Modelling Economic Development and General Equilibrium Histories" (with J. G. Williamson), American Economic Review, 1973
"Population Growth, the Dependency Rate, and the Pace of Economic Development," Population Studies, 1973
"The Role of Population in Models of Economic Growth," American Economic Review, 1974
Lessons from Japanese Development: An Analytical Economic History (with J.G. Williamson), U. of Chicago Press, 1974
"Demographic Change and the Size of the Government Sector," Southern Economic Journal, 1976
"Savings, Demographic Change, and Economic Development," Economic Development and Cultural Change, 1976
"Interactions of Economic and Demographic Household Behavior," Population and Economic Change in Less Developed Countries, 1979
"Demographic Impacts on Demand Patterns in the Low-Income Setting," Economic Development and Cultural Change, 1981
Population and Development in Rural Egypt (with A.M. Khalifa and N.M. El-Khorazaty), Duke U. Press, 1982
"Population Growth, Industrial Revolutions, and the Urban Transition" (with J. G. Williamson), Population and Development Review, 1984
"Improving the Teaching of Economics: Achievements and Aspirations" (with G.L. Bach), American Economic Review, 1984
"Population Growth and Economic Development: A Revisionist Interpretation," Population and Development Review, 1986
"The Population Explosion: A Bomb or a Dud?" Phytopathology, 1987
"Population Pressures, Savings and Investment in the Third World: Some Puzzles," Economic Development and Cultural Change, 1988
"Australia: The Coming of Age," Australian Economic Review, 1988
"The Demographic Transition and Population Policy in Egypt" (with Robert Schmidt), Research in Population Economics, 1988
"The 'International Human Suffering Index': Reconsideration of the Evidence," Population and Development Review, 1989
"The B-Economics Major: Can and Should We Do Better?" (with Hohn Siegfried, et al.), American Economics Review, 1991
"Human Development Index: Handle With Care," Population and Development Review, 1991
"Joseph J. Spengler," Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 1992
Population and Income Change: Recent Evidence (co-author), World Bank Discussion Papers 249, 1994
The Impact of Population Growth on Well-being in Developing Countries (with Dennis Ahlburg and Karen Mason), Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1996
"Population and Resources," The Social Science Encyclopedia, Second Edition, London: Routledge Ltd., 1996
"The Consequences of Population Growth on Human Resource Development: The Case of Education," in The Impact of Population Growth on Well-being in Developing Countries, Springer-Verlag, 1996
"Toward a Cure for the Myopia and Tunnel Vision of the Population Debate: A Dose of Historical Perspective" (co-author), in The Impact of Population Growth on Well-being in Developing Countries, Springer-Verlag, 1996